Breast Augmentation, Female, Hertfordshire

I was referred to Mr Sojitra by my friend who had recently undergone a very successful breast augmentation.

I contacted Mr Sojitra’s office and spoke to his receptionist who was extremely helpful.  She answered all my questions fully and explained prices for the procedure that I was interested in.   With total confidence I then proceeded and booked a consultation with Mr Sojitra.

I was feeling very nervous about my consultation, my apprehension was soon dissolved the moment I met Mr Sojitra .  This was due to his professional and polite approach, he put me completely at my ease and I had full trust in the fact that he knew what he was talking about.

We discussed in depth my likes and dislikes and what result I would like to achieve.  He used all the information gained and then told me realistically what was and what was not achievable.  Mr Sojitra went into detail and showed me all the different sizes. He took my thoughts along with my body shape and size and advised me.  Through his approach I fully trusted Mr Sojitra’s choice in size.

The day of my operation I received excellent care and attention from Mr Sojitra and his staff. I was however still very nervous. Mr Sojitra visited me in my private room before the operation performing some pre-operative procedures; he put my mind at ease and explained exactly what he was going to be doing. The Anaesthetist also visited me he answered any questions of concern I had and once again put me at my ease.

Soon enough I was walking to theatre.  I was feeling very nervous and very emotional.  The anaesthetist along with the theatre staff once again put me at my ease, comforting me until I was asleep.

After the operation when I was coming around from the anaesthetic I had a lovely nurse holding my hand and reassuring me I was ok.

Soon enough I was back in my room with my family. I received excellent post operative care with Mr Sojitra visiting me along with his nurse.  As soon as I was fit enough I was allowed to go home which was about 4-5 hours later.

It was very comforting to me to have my family there the whole time.

Mr Sojitra and his team were contactable through the whole of my recovery period. If I had a concern or question to ask I was able to contact them and I received instant feedback.

My follow up appointment time was scheduled for a time most convenient for myself.  On the day of the appointment I was seen by Mr Sojitra very quickly and efficiently.

4 Months on from the procedure I am very pleased with the results of my breast augmentation.

I would truly recommend Mr Sojitra and his team for the excellent care and attention and also the fact that he is a brilliant surgeon.

Many thanks for an excellent Job

J.H (London)